Wednesday, June 3, 2009

What I did today

This afternoon:

I was down at the airport with an enormous crew dedicated to making the above photo possible. It was glorious.

Then came the rain and glory turned to tragedy:

The weather jockeys did warn of flash flooding, but you know what the amazing thing was? Once the tarmac was covered in about five feet of water our little friends kept on pulling, even though they were completely submerged. Such brave souls. When the plane finally stopped moving, we all held each other in a moment of silent respect. Well, it was silent until Dave suggested that maybe they were pulling for their lives because we forgot to unharness them before we sought higher ground.

We slapped Dave (all of us, one after another) for his disrespect of their memories. Then we went home.

Though, I didn't make it to my apartment without incident:

Some advice: don't interrupt Jedi Squirrels while they're sparring. Apparently, they think force choking smart-ass humans is the funniest thing since Darth Maul got cut in half on Naboo.

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