Saturday, October 10, 2009

A Quickie with Ernie McDougall, Second Worst Ladies Man of All Time

Ernie is out on the town, looking for some lovin' on the way to the post office. While standing at a corner, waiting for the walk signal, he appraises the fine piece of lady that has stopped next to him. He looks her up and down and finds her appropriate for his needs.

"Hey fine thing," he opens with his classic sexily sly smile.

The woman turns to him, half amused and half annoyed. "Are you talking to me?"

"Oh yeah sugar. You see that building over there?" He indicates the direction with a nod of his head.

"What, Planned Parenthood?" she asks, now genuinely confused.

"Mmmhmm. That's where you'll be headed by the time I'm finished with you. Oh yeah." He makes sure to give her 'The Look' to seal the deal.

Confusion turns to disgust on her face and she offers him a good, "Fuck off, creep," before walking forward as the light changes.

Ernie hangs back to admire her ass as she crosses the street. Aloud, he reassures himself, "That's just one 'no' closer to 'yes.' Oh yeah."

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