Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Let's Play a Game

In the spirit of interactive web-fun, let's play a game. No, not Global Thermonuclear War (sorry Scott). It will be simple. I'll provide a word or phrase that I have not yet googled and then you will google it and report back your findings. You may need to slightly modify your search query to get results. I will have no idea what you will find on your little excursion into the depths of the internets (I make no guarantee results will be safe for work), but you'll let me know if there was (a) hilarity, (b) awesomeness, (c) lameness, (d) fail (i.e. nothing/nada), (e) WTF?! or (f) "I didn't find anything for that, but I'm totally going to make that happen. Google the same thing next week and hopefully you'll find my creation."

Let the games begin. Search terms are bold.

-Zombie Lord of the Rings

-Carl Jung vs. Karl Marx Dance-Off (maybe also try Carl Malone with one of the other two)

-Rahmstein ("Du hast mich, you fucking retards, don't you?!")

-Chunk the Destructor (he is invincible after all)

-Intergalactic wok recipes

-Cannibalism in children's books (speaking of food...)

-Funk da Maastricht Treaty (or maybe Westphalia)

-Monty Boa and the Holy Fail ("The Canadian version was just as good! Really! It was.....I hate it when you look at me like that.")

-Unsung heroes of AIG (speaking of fail...)

-Revolution Bastille first date ideas guillotine Louis (maybe remove just the first and last words for a second try)

-Rage Against the Bean tofu hate

-Biotechnology cybernetics advances Han Dynasty

-Charlie and the Nike Factory

That should be enough to get things started. If this turns out to be fun, we'll play again. If it sucks...well, no, you can't go back to Constantinople, I'm afraid.